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The Death Of Multitasking

The Death Of Multitasking

There are only so many things our brains can process at once. Multitasking is a myth, albeit one many cling to like their lives depended on it.

The trick to being your most productive self comes down to 2 things.

First, complete and utter surrender to the task at hand. There are a number of techniques and apps available including the famous pomodoro technique but the key is to turn off the phone, close any open browser windows, and just get to work. Consistent surrender to the task at hand will produce a considerable amount of work done!

Second, the elimination of all (or at least most) obstacles that are keeping you from a clear mind. I like to call these obstacle eliminators.

Obstacle eliminators include keeping a list of things to do, keeping a detailed calendar so you’re always sure where you need to be, and factoring in a time buffer so you’re never late. A lack of punctuality is at best unprofessional, and at worst, rude and disrespectful.  As Shakespeare said, “better three hours too soon than a minute too late“. Don’t be afraid to “brain dump” and keep track of things that shouldn’t be a problem to remember at all (like where you parked your car). By writing down the simple things, you free your mind up to concentrate and focus on more difficult subjects.

The trick is to set ourselves up for success by adopting whatever technique suits us best. Capitalize on your strengths!

While we may like to think we’re being productive by tackling a million things at once, we must be sure to never confuse motion with progress.

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