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The SINGLE Biggest Mistake I Made My First Year As An Entrepreneur

The SINGLE Biggest Mistake I Made My First Year As An Entrepreneur

Looking back over my entrepreneurial career I’ve made a lot of really good moves, but I’ve also made a few tragically bad mistakes.

Entrepreneurial mistakes that cost me hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, and mistakes that set my career back years.

And that’s why in this video I want to share with you the single biggest mistake I made my first year as an entrepreneur so you can hopefully avoid the trap and dramatically improve your chances of success.

Because being an entrepreneur ain’t easy.

There’s up and downs, more ups, and more downs, and even more ups and more downs,

There’s criticism and concern from well-meaning friends and family.

And there’s no shortage of fear, self-doubt, and anxiety thrown in for good measure.

But for the right person, the pain is worth the pleasure. But that doesn’t mean you should not try to avoid as much pain as you possibly can, and that’s what I want to share with you here today.

Also, as mentioned, here is the link to check out Charity Swipes: Make sure to check them out here:

Alright, let’s get to the video!

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