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Email Marketing

Like many things in the world of marketing, email marketing fell out of favour for a while.

It started out great!

We had direct access to our customers and were able to reach them where they were, and through a medium that was freely available and widely used.

Then things took a turn. Once companies realized how easy and effective email marketing was they went a little crazy, and we got, spammed!

It was then that email started to get a bad rap. Fortunately, this brought things like spam protection, junk folders, and CAN-SPAM which are laws and guidelines for email marketing.

Email Marketing Today

What’s been happening more recently though was that as email marketing fell out of favour and marketers moved on to bigger and brighter marketing methods (namely social media) a void was left, a void called opportunity.

Email marketing remains one of the most cost effective forms of marketing available today. In fact, email conversion rates are some of the highest available in marketing today.

So while the competition has moved on, they’ve done so too soon. Email marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. (15 Statistics That Prove Email Marketing Is Still Not Dead In 2014)

Email Marketing Overview

The trick with email marketing comes down to 3 important parts:

  • List Building
  • Content Writing
  • Delivery

You need to build your email list so you’ll have someone to send an email to. Next you need to decide what you’re going to write about and share with your email list. Finally, you’ll need some way to organize and deliver the emails so they’re not only compliant with the law, but also engaging, entertaining, and visually appealing.

Fortunately, this is where we come in. If you’re looking to take advantage of the incredible power of email marketing, give us a call or send us an email and let’s chat about how to get your email marketing campaign up and running, and heading straight to your customers email account.

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